Recents in Beach

Multiply Choice Questions on Single-Phase Induction motor


1. How many steps are involved in the construction of single phase induction motor?

Explanation:- There are 5 steps in order to construct a single phase induction motor and those are stator, stator windings, rotor, starting switches, electrolytic capacitor.


2. What type of coils are used for winding the single phase induction motor generally?

ANSWER= (D) Circular coils
Explanation:- The single phase induction motors are generally wound with concentric coils.


3. How many kinds of single phase windings are present?

Explanation:- Concentric, Progressive and Skein.


4. How many kinds of single phase windings are present?

ANSWER= (B) Capacitor start motor.


5. Under normal operating conditions which motor can run at 5000 rpm ?

ANSWER= (C) Universal motor.  


6. The motor used in household refrigerators is

ANSWER= (D) Single phase Induction motor.


7. Single phase motors are commercially manufactured up to

ANSWER= (B) 2 h.p.


8. The direction of rotation of universal motor can be reversed by

ANSWER= (C) interchanging the brush leads


9. For ceiling fans generally the single phase motor used is

ANSWER= (D) Permanent capacitor type.  


10. A motor generally used in toys is

ANSWER= (B) Shaded pole motor.  

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