Recents in Beach

Multiple Choice Questions on basic electrical

1. The resistance of human body is around

ANSWER= (D) 1000 ohms


2. The drift velocity of electrons is

ANSWER= (A) very small as compared to speed of light.   


3. One Commercial unit of energy equals

ANSWER= (C) One kilowatt-hour


4. The maximum current rating for a 10KΩ, 0.5W resistor is

ANSWER= (B) 7.07 mA
Explain:- P=VI or P=I²R ( as V=IR) or 0.5=I²×10×10³ or √(0.05)/10³=I i.e. I=7.071×10⁻³A= 7.07mA


5. The equivalent resistance of the circuit shown in figure is

circuit diagram

Explain:- Rₑ= [{(3||6)+(18)}||(5)]+10= [[{(3×6)/(3+6)}+18]||5]+10= [{20||5}=10]= 4+10= 14Ω


6. If the current changes from 3A to 5A in 2s and the emf is 10V. Calculate the inductance.



7. If the current changes from 5A to 3A in x sec and inductance is 10H. The emf is 10V, calculate the value of x.

ANSWER= (A) 2s
Explain:- We know that: emf=L(I₂-I₁)/t Substituting the values from the question, we get x=2s.


8.An electric current is the

ANSWER= (A) flow of electrons


9. Which of the following is best conductor of electricity?

ANSWER= (B) Silver
Explain:- Silver is found in pure form from the Earth. Among them silver is the best conductor of electricity after second best conductor of electricity is gold.


10. What does a capacitor store?

ANSWER= (C) Charge


11. An inductor blocks



12. Frequency of direct current is

ANSWER= (A) zero.


13. Power factor of direct current is

ANSWER= (B) unity.


14. The number of cycle per second is called

ANSWER= (A) frequency.


15. An instrument which detects electric current is known as

ANSWER= (C) Galvanometer.


16. Power consumed in a pure inductive circuit is

ANSWER= (D) zero.


17. The dielectric material used in variable capacitor is generally

ANSWER= (B) air.


18. The property of a conductor due to which it passes current is called

ANSWER= (D) Conductance.


19. Reciprocal of the conductance is called

ANSWER= (C) Resistance.


20. The equivalent resistance of a series parallel circuit shown in figure is

ANSWER= (D) 16 ohms.


21. The curve representing ohm's law is

ANSWER= (B) Linear.


22. The resistance of a conductor having length 'l' area of cross section 'a' and resistivity 'ρ' is given as:

ANSWER= (B) ρl/a


23. The resistance of wire varies inversely as

ANSWER= (A) Area of cross section


24. Which of the following quantities are same in all parts of a series circuit?

ANSWER= (C) Current


25. A light bulb draws 300 mA when the voltage across it is 240 V. The resistance of the light bulb is

ANSWER= (C) 800Ω


26. In gases the flow of current is due to

ANSWER= (D) Electrons, positive ions and negative ions.


27. The flow of current in solids is due to

ANSWER= (A) Electrons


28. The minimum requirements for causing flow of current are

ANSWER= (A) Electrons


29. Which of the following ampere-second could be the unit?

ANSWER= (B) Charge


30. The rating of the fuse wire is always expressed in

ANSWER= (D) ampere


31. The S.I. unit of power is

ANSWER= (C) Watt


32. One newton meter is same as

ANSWER= (B) 1 joule


33. Which of the following materials has the least resistivity?

ANSWER= (D) Copper
Explain:- Copper has the least resistivity among of them. It has the resistivity of 0.0171 ohm-meter.


34. Which of the following method can be used for absolute measurement of resistance?

ANSWER= (D) Wheatstone bridge method


35. The substance which have a large number of free electrons and offer a resistance are called

ANSWER= (D) Conductors


36. Which of the following does not have negative temperature co-efficient ?

ANSWER= (A) Aluminum 


37. Siemens or Mho (℧) is the unit of ____________?

ANSWER= (C) Both 1 & 2
Explain:- SI unit of Conductance (G) is Siemens (S) or Mho (℧) and Admittance (Y) is the inverse/reciprocal of Impedance(Z). but we also know that impedance(Z) is resistance in AC Circuits. So both of (R) and (Z) are Resistances. Therefore the reciprocal/inverse of R and Z = G and Y respectively. And G and Y are same. So the SI unit of these Quantities ( G and Y ) = Siemens (S) or (or Mho (℧).


38. What quantity of charge must be delivered by a battery with a Potential Difference of 110 V to do 660J of Work?

ANSWER= (C) 60 C
Explain:- Q = W/V = 660J/110V = 6C


39. The filament of an electric bulb is made of

ANSWER= (C) Tungsten
Explain:- Tungsten is used in electric bulb because it has high melting point and it does not oxidize. Thus tungsten filament does not even melt with high current easily.


40. Which of the following materials has a negative temperature coefficient of resistance?

ANSWER= (C) Carbon


41. 1 Coulomb charge equals the charge on?

ANSWER= (D) 6.24 × 10¹⁸


42. With rise in temperature the resistance of pure metals

ANSWER= (A) Increases.


43. With the rise in temperature the resistance of semiconductors

ANSWER= (B) Decreases.


44. The temperature coefficient of resistance of an insulator is

ANSWER= (C) Negative and dependent on temperature.


45. Pure metals generally have

ANSWER= (B) High conductivity and large temperature coefficient.


46. The resistance of a conductor varies inversely as

ANSWER= (B) Area of cross-section


47. Which of the following material has nearly zero temperature coefficient of resistance?

ANSWER= (A) Manganin
Explain:- A negative coefficient for a material means that its resistance decreases with an increase in temperature. So, Manganin has nearly zero temperature coefficient of resistance, after all it is an alloy


48. Which of the following materials posses the least specific resistance?

ANSWER= (B) Silver
Explain:- Silver posses the least specific resistance among of all


49. A closed switch has a resistance of

ANSWER= (D) Zero


50. Bulbs in street lighting are all connected in

ANSWER= (C) Parallel.   

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