Recents in Beach

Multiple Choice Questions on Alternator


1. The a.c. the armature winding of an alternator is

ANSWER= (D) Always Star connected.


2. Three-phase alternators are invariably star-connected because

ANSWER= (A) Higher terminal voltage is obtained.


3. Alternators are usually designed to generate

ANSWER= (D) Definite frequencies


4. When the speed of an alternator increases

ANSWER= (B) The frequency increases


5. In alternators the standard practice, now a days is to have

ANSWER= (A) Rotating field


6. The pitch factor for a full pitch winding of a synchronous machine is

Explain:- Pitch factor = Winding pitch/Pole pitch, but when winding pitch= pole pitch then pitch factor will be 1.


7. In huge alternators, the moving part is

ANSWER= (B) Poles


8. The frequency of voltage generated in large alternators is

ANSWER= (A) 50 Hz


9. The salient-pole construction for field structure of an alternator is generally used for ________ machine.

ANSWER= (D) 8 pole


10. A 10 pole AC generator rotates at 1200 rpm. The frequency of AC voltage in cycles per second will be

ANSWER= (D) 100 Hz
Explain:- f= P×N/120; where P=10 poles, N=1200 rpm ,so f=(10×1200)/120= 100 Hz


11. In an alternator, pitch factor is the ratio of the e.m.fs. of

ANSWER= (B) Short pitch coil to full pitch coil


12. As the speed of an alternator increases, the frequency

ANSWER= (A) Increases

 13. The generator which gives dc supply to the rotor of an alternator is called

ANSWER= (B) Exciter


 14. The number of electrical degrees passed through in one revolution of a four pole synchronous alternator is

ANSWER= (A) 360°


15. The rotor of alternator has

ANSWER= (B) Two slip rings


16. Alternator works on the principle of

ANSWER= (C) Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction


17. In a rotating electrical machine, the chording angle for eliminating fifth harmonic should be

ANSWER= (B) 36°


18. The ratio of armature leakage reactance to synchronous reactance of large size modern alternator is about

ANSWER= (B) 0.2


19. The exciting field coil of an alternator is generally excited by

ANSWER= (C) A dc generator coupled directly to the armature shaft


20. The material used for the manufacture of large turbo-alternator is

ANSWER= (C) Wrought iron

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