Recents in Beach



                                     INTERVIEW TIPS

Here are some hacks which will make interviewer impress!!

Preparation just before the interview: 

Check out how you will get to the location and how much time you will need to reach there. Plan what you are going to wear in advance.

A google search about the commonly asked questions usually helps to get through the interview by 50% also you can seek out for employs who are working already on same company to advise you more.
(This helped my elder sister to get through her first interview☺)

Do not study till very late hours on the day of the interview because this will result in sleepiness and mix-up of answers usually.  

Be sure you know the time, date and location of the interview and the name of the interviewer. Make sure you know how to pronounce your interviewer’s name correctly. 
On arrival at the venue, inform the receptionist that you are there for an interview and state the name of the interviewer.

You must be aware of the company background, where you are going for an interview. Visit the company website to know more details 

Carry multiple copies of your updated Resume, a notepad and a pen.  

If need be, visit the wash room to freshen up. 

Reach on time: 

Being punctual shows your seriousness towards the meeting. Try to reach the interview place 15 minutes in advance so that you can rest and get yourself ready to deal with the interviewer.  

Dress neatly and demonstrate confidence:

Dressing nicely contributes to your self-confidence – this indicates clean and ironed formal clothes, footwear and well done hair.  Your way of talking must be professional and higher level of confidence reflects from your words and tone but don’t be over confident.

In short your dress up look will show your personality. 

Know about the company.   

You ought to learn as much as you can about the organization.  An excellent starting point is the organization’s website.  Also, do a google search about the organization to know what others are saying about the organization.  

Smile :)

Enter the interview room with a smile on your face and be confident. Give all replies with a little smile so that recruiter will not be able to judge nervousness in your words. A positive attitude must reflect in each reply.  

Establish eye contact: 

If there are more than one interview panel member, establish eye contact with each of them while responding to the questions. That doesn't mean you will start staring at all of them.
Try to understand me.

Thank You Note: 

End your interview with a ‘thank you’ telling him/her that it was pleasure to meet him/her, and you are looking forward to their response. It will show your keen interest in their company & job.  

Here are few questions which may ask in interview


1. Tell me something about yourself. 
2. Run me through your resume 
3. How would your friends describe you?  

Simple, Personal Questions  

4. What are your hobbies? 
5. What do you like to do in your free time? 
6. What are your outside interests? 
7. How do you spend your leisure time? 
8. Tell me more about _______________ (student’s hobby/pastime/interest) 
9. Explain ________________________ (student’s hobby/pastime/interest)
10. Give me an example of your creativity. 11. What was the last book you read? Tell me about it in short 
12. Which movie has inspired you? Why? 
13. Do you play any sports? Which one? 
14. Describe the sport to me  

Questions to assess your personality

15. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 
16. What do your friends not like about you?
17. What is your greatest strength? 
18. What is your biggest weakness? 
19. What makes you angry? 
20. What makes you happy? 
21. What has been your most significant achievement? 
22. What have you done that shows initiative? 
23. What was the toughest decision you ever had to make? 
24. What has been your greatest crisis, how did you solve it?  
25. How has college prepared you for this career? 
26. Which person has had the greatest influence on you, and why? 
27. Who has inspired you in your life and how?
28. Do you have any questions for me?  
29. Is there anything you would like to ask me?

Company/job-related Questions  

30. Why should I hire you? 
31. Why do you think we should hire you for this job? 
32. Give me one good reason why we should hire you? 
33. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization 
34. Why do you think you are suitable for this job?  
35. Why do you think this job is best suited for you?  
36. What do you know about this company? 
37. Tell me something about our company. 
38. Describe your ideal company, location and job. 
39. Why do you want to work at our company?
40. If hired, how long would you expect to work for us?  
41. How do you feel about working nights and weekends? 
42. Are you ready to keep late hours?  
43. Can you work under pressure? 
44. Are you willing to relocate or travel? 
45. What are your salary expectations? 
46. How much salary do you expect?  
47. What are your career options right now? 
48. Name one skill of yours that would be right for this job. 
49. Would you like to know anything about our company? 

Abstract Questions  

50. What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?
51. What is the difference between hard work and smart work? 
52. How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition? 
53. Where do you see yourself five years from now? 
54. What are your goals? 
55. What motivates you? 
56. What motivates you to do good job?   

Trick Questions  

57. Are not you overqualified for this position? 
58. Would you lie for the company? 
59. Have you considered starting your own business? 
60. If you won Rs.10 crores in a lottery, would you still work? 
61. On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer. Give reasons 
62. (if candidate gives high score) Are you saying that to flatter me, so you can get the job? 

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