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Alternator Q&A

In Alternator Q&A, we will discuss about the long type questions regarding alternator.

Before starting, it is important to know what is an alternator and how does it work.
To learn more about it, click on alternator

Q)  What is difference between alternator and generator?

      Alternator Vs Generator
      Comparison Chart of Alternator and generator
      Key Differences between Generator and Alternator
      What is the difference between an alternator and a generator?

Differentiating Property




An alternator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy(AC).

A generator is a mechanical device which converts mechanical energy to electrical energy(either AC or DC).

Generated current/Output current

An alternator always induces an alternating current.

A generator can generate either alternating or direct current.


Alternators are very efficient.

Generators are less efficient.


Alternators have a higher output than generators.

Generators have a lower output than an alternator.

Energy Conservation

Alternators use only the required amount of energy, so it conserves more energy.

Generators use all the energy that being produced and so, it is conserve less energy.

Magnetic Field

The magnetic field is rotating inside the stator of an alternator.

In case of a generator, the magnetic field is stationary or fixed where the armature winding spins.

 Movement of Armature

The armature of an alternator is stationary.

But here, the armature of a generator is rotating.

Input Supply

The alternator takes input supply from the stator.

The generator takes input supply from the rotor.

Rotation Per Minute Range

Alternators have a wide range of RPM.

Here it have a low range of RPM.

Voltage Generation

Alternators produce voltage only when it requires.

Generators produce voltage every times.

 After Installation

Polarization is not required after installation.

Generators need to be polarized after installation.


Alternators are generally smaller in size.

Generators are larger and require more space to fit in. thus it is bigger than an alternator.

Brush Efficiency

In case Alternator, Brushes last longer

But in generator, it didn’t last that much of an alternator.

Charging of a dead battery?

No, it can’t charge dead battery(never)

But a generator can be used to charge a dead battery


Alternators are mainly used in the automobile industry

Generators are widely used to produce large-scale electricity.

Why used?

Alternators are used in automobile industry because it works charging system for the battery.

Generator are used to produce electricity because it can produce larger amount i.e. large-scale.

Q) What are the advantages of parallel operations of alternators?
     Write the pros for parallel operation of alternator

Ans:- Following are the advantages of parallel operations of alternators:
  • In case of breakdown of an alternator at the production place, the parallel operations make sure that the connection is continuous to its consumers.
  • This arrangement of alternators makes the operation efficient. Also, it is considered to be economical.
  • The installation of more alternators in times of requirement becomes easy as the other alternators are arranged parallel to each other.
  • The arrangement helps in meeting the requirement of a large alternator through multiple alternators and their arrangement in parallel operation.

Q) Will an alternator charge a dead battery?

Ans:- Alternators are designed to maintain a battery’s charge, not to recharge a dead battery. Charging a dead battery with an alternator will result in premature alternator failure. When an alternator tries to charge a dead battery it must work at 100% capacity, but an alternator is designed to work at 100% for only short periods of time due to the heat it produces. It is always best to charge a dead battery with a battery charger prior to putting an alternator into operation.

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